Creating website

Sonia Story of Creating website

This is Sonia. Sonia was thinking to make a promotional video for her business.  She saw her business competitors videos and decided that she will hire original actors and will create an environment for her video scenes.
she decided she will require: Actors to act, cameramen, video editor and different kinds of stuff for her business video.
when she was calculating the cost for all of this, She realizes that her budget for this work is so much less.
she was become little sad, because of her low budget.
Then she decided to buy video clips from stock video websites. she finds out high-quality footages from that stock website. but when she saw the prices of that video clips. She was now more depressed.
She went to the room with depression and try to sleep but she couldn't sleep because her wishes going to end.
Suddenly she thinks to contact to lancewrite who providing video related services on She messages to lance and asked him for help. lance told her, "what type of help could I do for you, Sonia"!
She tells him an overall story than what she needs and what she did for this. She told her ideas are much higher than her budget, I will be glad if you could make a promotional video for me using stock footages.   Lance was accepted her request and start working on the video, Lance collects good scene from stock clips and makes a wonderful HD video. with overlay text, background music, and her business logo. He delivers the video to Sonia. When Sonia watch the video she was so much happy with the video. She appreciated lance work and give him TIP too. Lance was also happy because his created video liked by Sonia and give him some rewards too.
Now Sonia business idea reached to more people by watching the video and still moving up. if you also want a promotional video for your business. Then Contact now to lance. He will make a good promo video for your business.
