7 Things You Shouldn't Do In an Automatic Transmission Car

Seven things you should never do with an automatic transmission at first, glance driving a car with an automatic transmission may seem easier than driving a manual the interface of  automatic vehicles are often simpler and new drivers don't have to struggle with the seemingly unruly stick shift and
clutch this is supposed to allow them to concentrate on the road better besides automatic transmission nails uphill
driving and stop and go traffic but even

though driving an automatic may look
like a walk in the park, there are still

some ways you can unwittingly mess up
your transmission so here are seven of
the most dangerous mistakes you can make

when driving an automatic and don't
forget that we have all kinds of useful

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the bright side of life number seven
don't shift from Drive to reverse before

your car stops moving we've all made
this mistake at least once you're in a

hurry and too impatient to come to a
full and complete stop before you shift

from Drive to reverse or vice versa but
if you think this is harmless I'm sorry

to disappoint you but you can do some
the real damage to that transmission and its
components when you shift while your car

is still moving you're using them
the transmission itself to stop the car not
the brakes if your brakes were down

replacing them will cost you around $
but by constantly shifting from Drive to

reverse while the car still rolling get
ready for damage that can run you at

least $ so the choice is yours

number six never put your car in park
before it stops completely going off

that last note this one's a similar
blender now if you have a newer car

it probably won't let you make this
an awful mistake since recent models use

speed sensors that block this action but
if your car doesn't have this sort of

equipment and you've been guilty of
throwing it in part before the car stops

moving from time to time listen up
whether you're in too much of a hurry or
simply unaware of the danger remember

that you can do irreversible damage to
your transmission the Park position is

supposed to keep your car from rolling
away not to stop your car when it's

still moving when your cars in park its
transmission is locked up therefore the

wheels either can't move at all or they
can move but with great difficulties you

see when you throw it in park a pin
locks a transmission output shaft which

connects it to the wheels of your car
but if the car still rolling when you do

this either the locking pin or the
output shaft may break or become eroded

number  don't put it in neutral at
stoplights some people just don't feel

like keeping their foot on the brake
pedal when stopped at a red light others

heard from experts that when you keep
your car and drive at a red light you

wear out the transmission in any case
it's still better to keep your car and

drive than to switch it to neutral when
stopped at alight first of all when your

car is in neutral you don't have as much
control over it so if you need to make

some emergency maneuver you may not be
able to execute it in time

also if you forgot that you've put the
car in neutral and the lights turn green

you'll end up revving the engine and
burning more fuel another strategy some

people use at stoplights is the
emergency brake thinking that it'll save

them gas but the fact is that this is
absolutely unnecessary the amount of

the fuel you save isn't even noticeable try
to keep your ignition on the car in

drive and your foot on the brake
whenever you're stopped at a light so

that you have total control over your

number four don't coast in neutral some

people believe that coasting in neutral
saves them gas I mean it makes sense

you're going downhill so why not put it
in neutral and let gravity take over

well the problem is that cars with
automatic engines are designed in such a

the way that they save fuel even if the gear
is in Drive they simply cut the fuel

supply when you're going downhill
secondly letting your car coast in

neutral leaves you with less control
over it you see when you're going
downhill in neutral all you can do is

slow down you won't be able to speed up
if the need arises besides your car's

engine runs at its lowest rpm and the
oil pump works at the slowest when

you're moving in neutral for that reason
the engine doesn't cool down as well as

it should and may fail due to friction
and heat number three never launch your

car from a standstill unless you're in a
NASCAR race never ever launch your car

from a standstill, launching is basically
revving up the car while it's still in

neutral and then switching the gear to
drive to accelerate really fast from a

stopped position and if you believe that
some common sense would prevent people

from doing this to their cars think
again plenty of drivers launch them
cars all the time

this causes serious harm to the bands
and clutches of the automatic

transmission when you shift they use
friction to move definite parts and if
you rev in neutral and then immediately

switch to drive these bands and clutches
wear out prematurely even worse than

that if you keep launching your car this
the way these parts won't be able to hold
friction anymore as a result the

transmission will begin to slip when
it's in gear clutches and bands are
affordable enough what will cost you a

fortune is taking out the transmission
and tearing it down in order to get to

the parts that need replacing

number two avoid keeping the gas tank on
low probably every car owner out there

knows that driving with the gas light on
are big nono and still so many of us

are guilty of it sometimes you just
can't get to a gas station other times

you simply don't have the cash but
ignoring the low fuel light may

eventually cost you much more than just
filling your tank up especially if your

the car has an automatic transmission to run
properly cars need to have proper fluid

pressure on top of that fuel keeps
different elements of the car lubricated

and helps the engine as well if your
the tank is constantly low on fluid these
parts will wear out much faster than

they would normally number one do not
let water get in the transmission if

water gets into the transmission you're
in big trouble even the smallest amount
of water, just an ounce can wreak havoc

on your car's transmission to the point
that it needs to be replaced if you're

lucky and notice the problem right away
you'll save a lot of money because of the

damage won't be so dramatic the thing is
that when water infiltrates a

transmission it gets absorbed by the
friction lining of the clutches this

causes the glue that connects them
material and the clutch plates to
dissolve some amount of water comes out

of the suspension forming white gummy
masses in different parts of the unit
that's why you can't just flush the unit

to get rid of the water on top of that
the water will cause rust to form on the

metal parts of the transmission the
consequences depend on how fast you

recognize the problem unfortunately the
most common course of action is to

overhaul the transmission

are you guilty of any of these mistakes
have you heard of any other driving

habits that can damage an automatic
transmission tell us in the comment

the section below give us a thumbs up for
trying to keep your vehicle safe and

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the video to all the drivers you know

remember to subscribe and join us on the brightside of life sees you next time.
