October and that can only mean one thing

It is October and that can only mean one thing. It's about to get spooky up on this channel my favorite YouTube month has risen up from the dead know my favorite

YouTube month is here October I feel like is the most creative and fun month on YouTube because we feel like we all kind of go back to like tutorials and we all kind of go back to educating and talent creativity spookiness October.
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So excited so to ring in this amazing month on my channel. Wanted to do a get ready with slash makeup tutorial where I just create like a fun fall look that like gives us a little hint to Halloween. I felt like it was a little bit too intense to dive straight into gore and dive straight into rotting flesh falling off body parts I I wanted to kind of introduce it so that is what today is
all about and I feel like I haven't

spoken to you in so long so I just
wanted to kind of sit down talk to you

talk about my life talk about what is
happening and uh yeah I've missed you
guys so so much and I have some really

really fun things planned for the month
of October

including holla week and holla week like
you guessed it is one week where I

upload a video every day for seven days
they're really excited about that I will

have more about that soon and planning
I'm filming I'm doing all the stuff

doing all the works yeah so without any
further ado if you would like to get a

spooky fall glam then keep on watching
alright so the first two products I want

to go in with to prime are the tacha
silk canvas and I've been trying this

the first Solley
skin tune and in my previous video it

was my first time trying it out

that looks like um something else that
just looks a bit wrong doesn't it and

that is two weeks ago and for two weeks
I've been really trying it out in my day

today Tula I didn't to do that and I'm
really like it so I am using this

combo to prime I'm sorry Harry gots to
go geez Louise now that's a look honey

for foundation, I want to be trying out
the brand new makeup oh my god it's been

a while for a foundation today I'm using
the brand new makeup revolution a

foundation sticks the fast base stick
foundation and I'm using the color f

and I'm just gonna draw this onto my
face and since I have a lot of surfaces

to cover I'm drawing a lot of lines and
you know I'm a full coverage addict so
I'm putting a little bit of the Fenty

Beauty Pro filter foundation on the back
of my hand and I'm using my sponge to

dip in that pro filter and using that to
buff this in that's like double the
double the double the coverage

now am i saying you should go out of
your way to apply this much coverage to

your face absolutely not but I've been
wearing such a in my terms
natural look lately with the base as

well like it's all been very light it's
all been very sheer that I'm just ready

to cake it on today
like in my day to day life lately I

haven't been wearing like a full
coverage base and honestly now that I'm

sitting down in my studio and I have the
opportunity to cake that baby on I am

like welcome to the kitchen let's bake

for concealer, I've been really really
digging these brand new ones by ziwei
these are called the essential high

coverage liquid concealers these are so
creamy so rich so good I have not been

able to put them down you only need a
tiny tiny bit they're super creamy which
to me is always a good thing because of I

have drier under eyes but also a scary
thing because I'm like that's never

gonna set properly that is gonna crease
that is gonna do now it's a great stuff

for my face but honestly, I wouldn't say
they are creaseless but the creasing I

do get what there is so minimal that I'm
like maybe you are creaseless what's

happening and I just bounce it in not
that I needed any more coverage after

the crazy amount of makeup that just
went on my face already but it's got

great coverage and even on like lighter
makeup days this goes very well with

like a tinted moisturizer or like a baby
cream or like no foundation at all just

the concealer it's good it's a good
good stuff okay now of course you want

to set this because there's so much
the product on the face I'm using them
loose powder by Maybelline in Ohio

set the under eyes I've been using this
for my under eyes for I feel like close

to two years now and it's the best and
for the rest of the face, I'm using the

hourglass veil translucent setting
powder this has got a little bit of a

shimmer like a little sheen to
it if you have textured skin cheese this

ain't it doesn't put this all over your
face because it's just

gonna enhance it and things are not
gonna be great another way of using this

powder could be to only use it in like
the highlight area so like tops of
cheeks on the nose the forehead to give

it like that sort of a glossy skin look
you know I'm feeling frisky I'm going

coverage I'm going Sheen all over and
going all the way okay you know what

the time it is I'm quickly gonna do my brows
off-camera and then I'll be back for the

eyes and then we're gonna have a little
ketchup session catch up sesh okay
so for eyes, I want to go for this like

super winged out swooped out sort of
swooped out winged out the moment that's

what I'm doing and that's what I'm doing
so first I'm gonna prime using the key

Louie's base this is if you're not about
this yet be about it and I'm just using

a dry Beauty Blender to bounce this and
I find this to be like the quickest and

the easiest way to apply ok so first for the
swooped up the moment we have to determine

where the swoop is gonna go so I'm going
in with this brand new palette by morphe

this one is called theM like
McDonald's M I want to go in with us say

this color I want to go in with this
color here and that plays it cool and

I just kind of want to map out the wing
part to see like oh this is the vibe

this is the wing that keeps on winging
that is also going into the crease all

the way to that inner corner

now this is just to gather our thoughts
you don't have to stick to this line you

can go above it you can go beyond it
it's just here to help you out so now we

want to buff this in create a blending
color create all of that goodness for

this I'm taking the Fred location palette
from the dose of colors desi and Katy

collaboration and taking this color
right here and I'm just going to buff

this into the crease like I said don't
be worried if you go above the line or

blur the line the line is just like a
guide okay not picking up this darker

chocolate color here to deepen up the
crease right at the base a little bit

more and I just wanted to take this
moment and say thank you to everybody
who has noticed that I've been trying to

lose the weight I have definitely not
been as active on social media lately

and part of that is because I've been
working out like crazy

I've been in the gym pretty much every
day and they're really working on myself

just to like to live a healthier lifestyle
and the fact that so many of you are

starting to see a change is it's just so
amazing and fun to me it has made me a

lot more confident it has made me a lot
happier and aro very fit like

usually, I would have to walk downstairs
because I live in an apartment I would

have to walk downstairs walk to the
stores near me and by the time I would

reach the store I would be out of breath
I would be so done with life so far I

have lost Siri how many pounds is
kilograms or pounds a lot of

people are asking for a sort of how I
got fit how I did it video and honestly
maybe in the future but I feel like

right now it isn't the right time
just because I'm still working so hard

on myself, it feels wrong to me to tell
other people what to possibly do when

I'm just
to figure it up myself too you know I'm
just working out a lot I spend a lot of

time on the treadmill I spend a lot of
time lifting weights I have a couple of

Instagram accounts that have very very
helpful videos oh I know a secret that I

think a lot of people should focus on
more on the trip mill I know a lot of
people focus on running which running is

very good for stamina but to me what
really does it is inclined like uphill

like I put my level and I put my
speed on six and a half to seven and I
do that for a good minute and after

that I am wiped out that really gets the
the workout in for me every day I try to

spend at least minutes on the
treadmill to really you know get me

stamina up and get that heart rate up
and burn those calories yeah that's just

what I've been doing I've been waking up
getting my workout in and then living my
life and I've been spending more time

with family, I've been spending more time
with friends and just venturing out into

a world outside of YouTube a little bit
because you know I've been doing this

for more than years for more than
years all I did was focus on YouTube and

focus on my career and focus on this and
focus on that and sometimes I felt like

I should have spent more time on friends
and family and right now I feel like

it's the time to find a good balance for
personal growth and for my for my mental

state it's been so good to just not
think about the numbers the views the

Commons how trending am I to just not
focus on that as much for once by the

way this is the look I am drawing
inspiration from this is my makeup
barber Kel one of my favorite makeup

artists on Instagram she's so good so to
come back to the losing weigh part I

would definitely love to one day make a
video about it talking more about it but

for now know that I'm just trying and
working my ass off and the fact that

people can see means so so much to me

renounce him to carve out the lid

I am setting that using this color from
the m called light up the party light

of the party

okay so we've got the bass going now all
we need is that beautiful glittery line

I'm using a chrome cream eyeshadow to
line and then I'm gonna down some

glitter liner over top boom ooh I like
that the cream shadow I use is this by
barry M it's called crushed jewel in the

color one duvet day and then for glitter
I'm going over top with the Midnight

Cowboy by Urban Decay for the bottom I'm
just gonna do a nice smoky situation

maybe this is it time for a lash I'm
gonna do the other eye off camera to

make sure that I somewhat get that even
and then I'll be back already I am

living dying breathing for these
eyes they're so fall appropriate but

they're still smoky and sexy and fun and
I'm here for it okay time to focus on

the face I am going to bronze because
this pace little Casper needs some

bronze as always I'm using my shoe a
bronzing duo in a light medium and I

just mixed the two and get crazy I do
have to say it's so good to just sit in

my studio and play with makeup I let's
get real for a second I recently have

been so in my head when it comes to
YouTube usually you know I just sit down

I come up with a fun look and I do a
tutorial and really try to educate and
like have fun with makeup and try new

stuff but lately it has been so hard for
me because there's been a shift in the

the community where you know if you guys
want more we want to see more we want

more interaction with more crazy
stuff we want more out

the side of the studio and to me that got to
my head so much that every and I'm not

lying when I say every idea that I had
in my head felt like a failure didn't

feel good enough didn't feel right
enough it almost always felt as if I

would let you guys down and that to be
honest might be apart from you know

really focusing on my personal life
along with that personal life and this
that is like the biggest thing that kept

me away from you took for a little bit
or kept me a little bit more missing in
action because for the longest time I

was like no it's not good enough no it's
not big enough no it's not crazy enough

when you start thinking that way it's
hard to come back down and come back to

your core and do what you truly love and
to me what I truly truly love is makeup

makeup is my everything makeup is my

so challenges they excite me so much
because they they challenge me to come
up with new ways the new techniques and

new products makeup tutorials get ready
with me you know

tips and tricks things to help you guys
out I know the community has shifted and

is changing and the proof is in the
numbers makeup tutorials and those types

of videos simply don't do as well and
that is a huge factor in to making you

go well doing what I love obviously
isn't enough so that makes you insecure

and then your head starts going I need
bigger ideas I need more it needs to be

different it needs to be this it needs
to be that but I think what's most

important for me right now is to just
focus on what my heart desires and my

heart desires makeup having fun with
makeup challenging myself with makeup

and of course there's gonna be videos
where I'd go outside of my studio and I

come up with new stuff and I come up
with crazy idea it's like thehour

make a video I did but the core has to
be what I love and what I love is makeup
holla week is gonna be so awesome holla

week is gonna be a blast
as my nose contour is baking

I've been thinking about a lot of fun
Halloween videos ideas and if you have
any requests now would be the time to

move on to the comment section and let
me know what you want to see I have from

the videos I feel like I have for four
to five solid videos planned so I have
room for like two to three suggestions

and I definitely want to do a Halloween
makeup bingo I want to do another round

of makeup bingo but I want to make it
different than the last time so if you

haven't seen makeup bingo yet please go
and check it out and they'll let me know

what kind of version you want to see
during Halloween if you want to see

let's say like every number as a product
and then whatever numbers I get are the
products I have to use for the look

something like that so let me know we
want to see and time for a highlighter

I'm gonna go in with my old school ever
glow my collaboration with Oprah this is

in its old packaging I love it so much I
cannot live without it I'm gonna go in

with this color right here if you want
this color solo it is called glazed

donut and it is available at over
all of these colors are available

individually or if you are a working
makeup artist or if you like having

options or if you want to use these as
eyeshadows ever glow

okay and then to really transform this
look into a fog lamps Pooky Wooky moment
it is time for a dark lip and of course

I have to make it a glittery dark lip so
I'm going in with this Fenty beauty

lipstick in the cowl or Griselda now you
can absolutely leave the look like this
but of course, I want to be extra and

wicked glittery so I'm going in with
this Helen a glitter and this is the

color plum berry

ah that completed the look and that
guy's concluded this fall

spooky glam Halloween glam October glam
makeup look I hope you enjoyed and I

hope you sat down with me do your makeup
with me and just you know friends with

each other doing frenzied stuff all
jokes aside I am so obsessed with this

look it is so sexy it is extravagant it
is luxurious and that lip I could stare

at it all day so I did thank you so
much for watching if you enjoyed

watching this video and if your team
makeup then please don't forget to give

this video a thumbs up and subscribe to
my channel
 I just want to say that I

love you so much it feels so good to be
back and I should get out of my head a

little bit more and just enjoy what we
have here so thank you so much for

watching I truly appreciate it I
really really love you and hopefully

I'll see you guys on the next one bye
